
The last time high school student Jamesha Corker felt safe in her community was when she was 8 years old. “Although I was living in the projects, it was like, very family-oriented, so if I had a birthday party, I would invite all my friends from the neighborhood, and we see each other as brothers...
(CNN) — Jackson Mittleman opened a news alert on his phone on Valentine’s Day, and saw a tragically familiar image: Students with their hands raised, fleeing a shooting. It brought him back to December 14, 2012, when similar images from his hometown of Newtown, Connecticut, were broadcast around the country. On that day, his community...
Drawing on energy that built up since a national march in Washington, D.C., Miami teenagers on Tuesday evening presented a list of solutions for gun violence and challenged elected officials and community members to join them in bringing about change. “Tonight is a night that we are going to affect change,” said Miami Times reporter...
Students from Miami Northwestern Senior High School on Tuesday held a town hall over gun violence, arguing the danger in black communities has been overlooked. The “Beyond the March” town hall organized by the teenagers in Little Haiti argues that the conversation about gun violence has been focused on school shootings such as the Parkland...
The students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have catalyzed a social movement demanding an end to gun violence. While their leadership and moral authority have undoubtedly taken the movement to another level, youth-led activism against gun violence is not, in fact, new. In Florida in 2013, for example, members of Power U and Dream...
Thousands of students around the country staged a national school walkout today (March 14) to protest gun violence, one month after a gunman killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In an effort to pressure Congress to pass gun reform legislation, students all over the country walked out of their classrooms for...
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