Peace and Power family!! Orientation has come and gone, just like Black History Month, and we are off to another year of shaping history ourselves! This month we welcomed our new Reproductive Justice Committee members 😍, eight beautiful, talented, intelligent young people ready to be the change! We’ll be meeting weekly on Thursdays to discuss the RJ issues impacting our community and schools directly. If you’re down to talk to our youth and community members about Reproductive Justice, email me at to canvass and join in on our committee meetings starting this week! Check out what other organizations are getting into around RJ below, and stay safe!

Black Feminist Future’s Abortion Is Freedom

Black feminist organizations have led the reproductive freedom movement by providing access to abortion care that is stigma-free and safe. Black women, girls, and gender-expansive people are continually on the front lines of government protection rollbacks. When these harmful legislative decisions fail us, Black feminisms help us get free, and Black Feminist organizations will continue to center expanded access to safe abortion access options and full bodily autonomy. 

Get involved in BFF’s Abortion is Freedom campaign by supporting Black feminist organizations on the ground providing access to abortion care, and signing our petition.

Learn more about abortion pills with Reproaction here.

Earlier this week, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a new interpretation of state law that labeled certain types of gender-affirming medical care as “child abuse.” Gov. Greg Abbott followed Paxton’s lead by directing state agencies to open investigations into such medical care.

This latest in a series of attacks against transgender young people threatens their access to needed medical care. It makes their parents and guardians subject to criminal charges if enforced.

It is more important than ever to stand with transgender young people and those who care for them. Please add your name to this petition to support transgender children and their parents. 

Know Your Rights 

February 28, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm

Are you confused about your housing rights? Join us and realtor Denyel Hillery for answers about what to do when/if you are facing eviction, received a 3 day notice, received a summons, or have a landlord who refuses to do repairs. Down to support Power U in a local action around one of these RJ issues?? Email me directly at

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